Helmets are not required for cyclists in Tennessee, except where the cyclist is under the age of sixteen. T.C.A §55-52-105 requires persons under sixteen to wear a helmet, and prohibits parents from knowingly allowing children under the age of twelve to ride without a helmet.Click to see full answer. In this regard, what is the law on bicycle helmets?There’s no law which compels cyclists of any age to wear a helmet. However, it’s obviously dangerous to cycle without one, and the Highway Code suggests all cyclists wear a safe and well-fitting helmet regardless of what the laws says.Additionally, can you get a DUI on a bicycle in Tennessee? The answer is ‘No’, you cannot receive a DUI for riding a bicycle – not in Tennessee, anyway. Unlike several other states, which prohibit the use or operation of a vehicle while under the influence of drugs or alcohol, the DUI statute in Tennessee prohibits the operation of a motor vehicle while under the influence. Hereof, is it a state law to wear a bike helmet? No state has a universal bicycle helmet law. Only 21 states and the District of Columbia have statewide bicycle helmet laws, and they apply only to young riders (often riders younger than 16). Local ordinances in a few other states require bicycle helmets for some or all riders.How much is a no helmet ticket in Tennessee?If you do not wear the helmet, it is a Class C Misdemeanor in Tennessee which really doesn’t mean that much – just generally a $50 fine. It can be higher, but generally speaking, it would be a $50 fine – a non-moving violation in other words.