The Sewol ferry capsized in 2014, not far from the Korean peninsula’s southwest tip, as the entire country watched on a live broadcast. The Marine Police, unfortunately, failed to save the passengers onboard as the ship quickly filled and sank deeper into the ocean.
The sinking of MV Sewol also called the Sewol ferry disaster, occurred on the morning of Wednesday, April 16, 2014, when the ferry MV Sewol was en route from Incheon to Jeju in South Korea. The 6,825-ton vessel sent a distress signal about 2.7 kilometers north of Byeongpungdo at 08:58 KST.
This occurred around 2014 on April 16th day. However, 5 were missing, and 172 or 171 as the subsequent suicide of the vice principal of the institution known to be Danwon High School. The suspects were known to be the captain and the other 14 crew members.
Did any students survive the Sewol ferry?
The Two-Way Only 75 of the 323 students aboard the ferry Sewol survived after the ship sank in April. Some bowed their heads and wept as they walked into Danwon High School in Ansan, South Korea.